Deliverables outline the expected outcomes of the customer request.
New Vimsoft Status Added
Development Scheduled
Vimsoft has scheduled the CR for development in a planned release cycle.
Development Progress Indicator Added
Displays the percentage of development completed.
New Status Added
Request For Quote.
To be used by the customer when a quote is needed.
Manage Requests
Resolved Version and Delivery Method columns added. Note: The new columns are only visible on desktop and laptop screens.
Read / Unread filters added.
“Reset All” updated to “Clear Filters”.
Bug Fixes and Other Improvements
Status Updates
A new Customer status has been added: Draft. Customers can now create CRs and save these, without needing to first Submit to Vimsoft.
Closed Requests
When both the Customer and the Vimsoft statuses are Closed, the Next Action value will be set to None.
When both the Customer and the Vimsoft statuses are Closed, the ability to add Notes will be disabled.
Approved Requests
When a customer has Authorized the quoted development set out in the CR, the Title and Description will become read-only.
Bug Fixes and other improvements
Status Updates
The Resubmit, Reauthorize, Reopen, Redo Hold statuses were removed to simplify the workflow. When attention from Vimsoft is required, users should change the Next Action to Vimsoft.
If reauthorization is needed, the green Authorize Quote button will reappear and have the same effect that selecting Reauthorize used to.
The Reopened status has been renamed to Resubmitted.
The Vimsoft Accepted status has been renamed to To Authorize.
The Ready for Delivery (Completed) status has been renamed to Ready for Delivery.
A new Vimsoft status has been added: Future Development. This status will indicate to Customers that Vimsoft is planning to work on the request in the future, while the In Development status indicates the requests that are currently being worked on by Vimsoft.
UI/UX Improvements
The Priority field has been modified so that it reads Severity when the Request Type is Issue.
Helpful guides and tooltips have been created to define both Priority and Severity levels.
Bug Fixes and other improvements
Fixed sorting bug.
Other minor fixes.
History Improvements
View the complete history of a request. Every change is now recorded and includes author and date information.
Ability to search and filter the history.
New Functionality: Custom Lists
Custom Lists have been added to CR View and Submit screens.
Filter CRs in the Manage screen using Custom Lists.
Manage Screen Improvements
The Cancelled status is now hidden by default. Just like the Closed status, it can be made visible by checking the filter box.
A Remember option has been added to filters and is checked by default. When checked, filters will no longer be reset when logging out.
Counts of the number of displayed CRs and the total number of CRs have been added.
New filters: Next Action, Users (Assigned), and Custom Lists.
New Functionality: Users (Assigned)
CRs now have a list of users that are assigned to them. This list is used to filter the CR list in the Manage screen.
When a CR is submitted, the creator is automatically added to the Assigned Users list.
Only Managers can unassign or assign other users to a Customer Request. This is done in the View > Settings screen.
User Types
There are now two user types: Manager and User. The user type is selected on the Register page.
A “User” cannot create or edit Custom Lists.
A “User” cannot assign other users to a CR but can assign themselves.
A “User” does not, by default, receive CR email notifications. They will receive emails for CRs that they have submitted or to which they have been manually assigned.
Email Improvements
Emails have been enhanced with a detailed grid, which will display key information from each CR.
Email titles now display CR # and Request Type.
Status Updates
“Standby” is now “On Hold”.
“Dev. Completed” is now “Ready for Delivery”.
A new Vimsoft status "Closed" has been added.
Bug Fixes and other improvements
Login Improvements
Reduce the # of times login is required by checking “Remember me”.
Customer Request email links go directly to your CR.
Usability improvements to “Forgot Password?” and “Reset Password”.
CR Note Improvements
New wider design improves readability.
Notes can now be edited for 1 hour after creation.
CR Filter Improvements
New filters added: Request Type, Platform, and Module.
Visual improvements to make selections clearer when expanded or collapsed.